Sketches Before Titled
"Sketches Before Titled" By Shane Hanson
2016- 2017
Photographed : Shane Hanson
Statement :
This body of work is considered a series of pieces/sketches that facilitated the investigation and and experimentation to arrive at the project Titled. The pieces are simply named by the number order they were created but further remembered and titled specifically based on an area of investigation.
The focus of the project was a concept of painting with objects as a replacement for pigment/traditional paints. however some of the areas investigated were scale, color, light ,positive and negative space, the frame, the local and international context/ideologies of painting and most importantly the overall painting /constructing /assembling process.
Through this series new ideas were brought forward to facilitate my painting process such as Anthropomorphic relations to objects, painting in the round and the layering of paint in space.